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Lead Management Software vs. CRM: Understanding the Key Differences

Lead Management Software vs. CRM: Understanding the Key Differences


Capturing a lead is just the beginning; nurturing it into a loyal customer is the real deal – it’s demanding and challenging. In fact, 30% of businesses say that closing deals is their number one challenge in sales. Often businesses use tools and software solutions to streamline this process. Lead Management Software (LMS) and CRM software are two most preferred tools to manage customer interactions.

In this blog, we are going to explore the distinct role of both these tools i.e. Lead management software vs CRM in contributing towards sales success. You’ll learn about the features of Lead management system and CMS systems along with the advice about which one is more beneficial.

Does this interests you? Let’s begin!

What is Lead Management Software?

By definition, a lead management software is specially designed software to assist businesses in capturing, nurturing and managing leads throughout the sales funnel. The primary focus of a lead management software is on the early stages of the customer acquisition process, ensuring that leads are properly nurtured and converted into paying customers.

To understand the functioning and role of a lead management software, let’s quickly take a glance at the key features along with the benefits.

Features of Lead Management Software

  1. Lead Capture

This feature works at the first stage of sales funnel. Lead capture automatically collects information about leads from various sources such as websites, social media, and email campaigns. The information is collected and stored in real-time, ensuring that leads are not overlooked or lost.

  1. Lead Tracking

The function of monitoring the progress of leads through the sales pipeline is performed by the lead tracking tools in LMS. This step involves the collection of data related to the lead activities, preferences and engagement of the prospects with the company's sales and marketing efforts.

It benefits by providing visibility into the status of the leads and actions taken. Statistics suggests that “56% of leads aren’t ready to buy yet” which means that out of all the potential customers a business has identified, only 44% are currently in a position to make a purchase. Which is why it’s critical to track leads as they go through the sales funnel.

  1. Lead Scoring

Another useful feature of the lead management software is lead scoring. It assigns scores to leads, thus helping in prioritizing high-quality prospects. The score is usually in numerical form analyzing which sales reps can identify the most qualified leads. Some of the common factors considered in lead scoring are the demographics, website behavior, email engagement, sales interactions and social media interactions of the leads.

For example, a prospect who visits the website, downloads a brochure and check the pricing page will certainly have a high lead score than a prospect who only visits the website homepage.

  1. Lead Distribution

Also called as Lead Routing, this feature performs the function of automatically assigning leads to appropriate sales representatives or teams based on predefined criteria. It ensures that the leads are managed by the right sales representatives.

Lead assignment is usually done on the basis of the geographic location of the lead and skillset of the sales rep.

  1. Similar location of the lead and the sales rep ensures that sales reps are familiar with the local market and can build relationships more effectively.
  2. Sales reps with expertise in specific products and services can handle related queries better. A lead interested in a complex technical solution might be assigned to a sales rep with a strong technical background.
  1. Follow-up Reminders

Did you know that “62% of businesses say the lack of a process for lead nurturing is a key marketing challenge for them?” Follow-up reminders is a feature of LMS that helps sales reps in nurturing the leads by sending reminders and notifications to sales teams to follow up with leads at the right time.

Statistics suggest that “Companies with a good lead nurturing program generate 50% more sales-ready leads at 33% lower cost.” Also, it has been found that “Lead nurturing emails get 4-10 more responses than email blasts.”

The benefits of the above features of a lead management software comes in all stages of the sales funnel. The efficiency of the sales team gets improved as the software streamlines the overall sales process, reduces manual work and ensure that no lead slips through the cracks.

With effective nurturing and lead prioritization, the likelihood of leads converting into customers becomes quite high. In fact, it has been found that “Nurtured leads make 47% larger purchases than non-nurtured leads.” 

What is CRM (Customer Relationship Management) Software?

CRM software or customer relationship management software is a comprehensive platform designed to manage interactions with the current and potential customers throughout the customer lifecycle process.

With a 13.4% growth rate from 2023 to 2032, the revenue of CRM software is predicted to reach over $80 billion by 2025. Have a look at some of the latest statistics highlighting the importance of CRM software in modern businesses:

  • 13% of companies say that investing in a CRM platform is one of their top sales priorities.
  • 92% of businesses say CRM software plays an important role in achieving their revenue goals.
  • Effective sales organizations are 81% more likely than ineffective ones to be consistently using a CRM platform.
  • 65% of companies start using a CRM within their first five years in business.
  • 74% of businesses say CRM software gives them improved access to customer data.
  • 47% of businesses say that CRM software has a significant impact on customer retention.

To understand how a CRM contributes, let's quickly take a look upon its key features and benefits.

Features of Customer Relationship Management System

  1. Customer Database Management

This is the central repository that stores detailed information about customers and leads. Typically, it includes information such as

  • Contact details- It includes the name, address, phone numbers, email and social media profiles.
  • Past interactions- It includes information about previous sales calls, emails and support tickets.
  • Purchase history- It includes detailed information about all the previous purchases made by the customer including dates, quantities and product names.
  • Preferences- It includes information about customer's preferences such as specific products, communication preferences, etc.
  • Notes and comments- It includes additional notes added by sales reps or customer support agents that can provide valuable context
  1. Sales Pipeline Management

It helps in tracking sales opportunities from initial stage to closing. Thus helps in providing a complete view of the leads in moving through the sales pipeline.

  1. Marketing Automation

CRM systems come with the feature of automating marketing campaigns to engage and nurture leads and customers.

  1. Customer Support

CRM systems are also used to provide customer service by managing inquiries, support tickets and service requests.

While the CRM software includes lead management, it also goes beyond that. From sales, marketing to customer service, CRM software helps businesses in building and maintaining long term customer relationships.

 Key Difference between Lead Management Software and CRM

Now that we have learned about the functionalities and benefits of lead management and CRM systems, let’s more forward to understand the key differences between lead management software vs CRM.

Scope and Functionality

  • Lead Management Software mainly focuses on the lead generation and qualification stages i.e. the early stages of the sales funnel.
  • CRM encompasses the entire customer lifecycle thus offers a broader scope from lead generation to post-sales support.

Target Users

  • LMS is suitable for marketing and sales teams to manage high volume of leads efficiently.
  • CRM is used by sales, marketing and customer service teams to manage customer relationships.

 Data and Analytics

  • LMS provides insights into lead-centric data such as lead sources, lead quality and conversion rates.
  • CRM offers advanced analytics on sales performance, customer behavior and effectiveness of marketing efforts.

 Integration and Scalability

  • LMS comes with the ability to integrate with marketing tools and email platforms. Also, these software are scalable to adapt with the growing lead management needs of the businesses.
  • CRM systems have broader integration capabilities with a wide range of business applications such as ERP systems, e-commerce platforms and customer service tools. In terms of scalability, CRM is also highly scalable which makes it suitable for businesses of all sizes.

 When to Use Lead Management Software?

Lead Management software is ideal when:

  • A business needs to manage high volume of inbound leads. For example, an ecommerce business receives lead inquiries from multiple sources including their website, marketing campaigns, emails, and other channels which generates thousands of leads per month. Such companies can benefit from using LMS to manage and qualify leads.
  • If you are a company that mainly focus on lead generation and qualification. For example, if you are a real estate agency with the primary goal of identification and nurturing of prospects, then an LMS can streamline the process by capturing leads, qualifying them based on preferences and budget and then distribute the leads to agents.
  • Businesses who aim to improve their lead conversion rates and prioritize high-quality leads. For example, you are a SaaS company wanting to understand your leads better and convert them into customers. By using LMS, you cam segment leads based on their behavior, customize your marketing messages and ultimately increase the likelihood of conversion.
  • Organizations looking for a dedicated and effective tool to capture, track and nurture leads throughout the sales funnel. Suppose a B2B company aiming to effectively nurture leads can use LMS to implement email drip campaigns, webinars, and other marketing content to boost lead engagement.

 When to Use CRM Software?

CRM software is best suited when:

  • You are a business that needs to manage a large customer base. For example, you are a telecom service provider with a substantial amount of customers. You can use a CRM system to centralize customer information, track interactions with the subscribers and manage their service requests.
  • A company with the aim to build long-term customer relationships. Suppose you are a software company looking forward to effectively manage deals, forecast sales and identify cross-selling or upselling opportunities. By using a CRM system, your company can keep track of customer purchase history, analyze interests and past interactions and make personalized recommendations and support.
  • You are an organization looking for a centralized solution to manage the entire customer lifecycle. For example, a finance company can implement CRM system to bring together different departments by managing customer accounts, marketing campaigns, and customer support inquiries from a centralized location.

 Lead Management Software vs CRM: Can You Use Both?

As per statistics, 32% of sales reps say they spend more than an hour each day on manual data entry. Also, 30% of businesses say that closing deals is their number one challenge in sales. One of the best ways to reduce manual work and close more deals is to learn more about your prospects, so you can figure out the most effective way of driving sales. That’s why so many companies benefit from using LMSs and CRMs.

Now you may be curious to know if you can use both LMS and CRM to reap the benefits from the both the systems. Well, the answer to your question is yes, you can use both a lead management software and CRM software. In fact, integrating these software in to your business setup can streamline workflows and provide a holistic view of the customer journey.


It’s time to conclude about lead management software vs CRM, so let’s recap the key points.

Making a choice between LMS and CRM depends upon your business's specific needs and objectives. If your primary focus is on lead generation and qualification, lead management software is an excellent choice. For comprehensive customer relationship management across the entire customer lifecycle, a CRM is the preferred option.

In many cases, combining both solutions can optimize your sales and marketing efforts and drive business growth. By understanding the key differences between lead management and CRM and considering your business requirements, you can make an informed decision about the best software for your organization.